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•   Robert Poulton  8/10
•   Blaine Walker  7/21
•   Scott Dean  7/11
•   Mary Ann Lehner (Johnson)  2/28
•   Karen Smith (Marshall)  2/27
•   Stephanie Paulson (Harwood)  12/31
•   Allen Mathis  11/18
•   Marvin Parkinson  11/3
•   David Hansen  10/29
•   Gary Argyle (Argyle)  9/25
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•   Janet Roemer (Welder)  2023
•   Deyanne Hatch (Sweeten)  2023
•   Gary Albert  2022
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•   Linda Anderson (Thorkildsen)  2015
•   Steve Hailes  2022
•   Ann Dalrymple (Meeks)  2021
•   Leonard Reynolds  2021
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•   Charlotte Farnsworth Loveless (Skyline)  2021
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1 lives in Alabama
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61 location unknown
205 are deceased


•   JoLee Black (Heaton)  10/25
•   Joyce Buchanan (Howe)  10/25
•   Gregory Stowe  10/27
•   Gloria L. Fawcett Brown (Skyline)  11/1
•   Rulon Harper  11/6
•   Richard Curtis (Skyline)  11/7
•   David Hansen  11/8
•   Barbara Barton (LeSueur)  11/9
•   Wendell Emmertson (Skyline)  11/9
•   Marianne Robins (Dalley)  11/9
•   Robert Keddington  11/12
•   Carol Wallach Wride (Skyline)  11/12
•   Jim Ware (Skyline) (Ware)  11/19
•   Carole Jean Reynolds (Hague)  11/21


Know the email address of a missing Friend? Click here to contact them!

August 28, 2023

Friends and classmates,

     Many thanks to those who travled either across town or across the country to join us for our 60th Reunion.  It was great fun to see everyone and have a chance to catch up with our lives.  Also many thanks to Lynn Roth Christensen, Laura Hawkins Wagstaff and Jan White Giauque and everyone else who helped make it happen.

     I took a bunch of hasty pictures (not my best effort), trying to capture everyone who was there, although I know I missed some.  I will be posting them on the website in the next week or so.  You can access the photos by going to Photo Galleries, then to 60th Reunion pictures (possibly at the bottom).   If you have pictures you would like to post, you can send them to me and I will post them.  It will probably be easier than trying to figure out the system. 

Susan's email:

     Thanks again for coming and for your support,


- - - - - - - - - - 


   Trying again.  Here is the registration form to enclose with your payment for the 60th Reunion in August.  I think the only way to print this out might be to copy and paste the form to a Word document and then print it out.  If that doesn't work, just enclose the information on a slip of paper to send in with your payment.  (I inserted a page break so hopefully you can print from here by clicking on the form.)

    Also, the exact time hasn't yet been established, but it will be an evening event.  More details to follow as it gets closer..


Registration for 60th Reunion

August 24, 2023

Aspen Landing

6388 South Redwood Road

Taylorsville, UT   84123

Confirm registration with payment:

        $30.00 per person

Print out this form and send form and payment to:

        Oly-Sky Class of 1963

        P. O. Box 712013

        Cottonwood Heights, UT   84171-2013


Classmate’s name:________________________________________

(Gals, please remember to include your maiden name as well)

Plus One:________________________________________________

Contact Update:___________________________________________

(email, cell or street address)


- - - - - - - - - - 


I apologize for the email that went out earlier re the 60th Reunion.  It was sent by mistake (by me).  I was trying to compose/edit it and accidentally hit "send".  Please disregard it.  A correct flyer will be sent out hopefully on Monday.  Sorry for the mistake.



                                              * * * * * * * * * *

July 5, 2022

(From Susan)

Hello everyone,

     There has been quite a long lapse of time without any talk of reunions and get-togethers.  I have good news, however.  An event is in the works.  Lynn (Roth) Christensen and Laura (Hawkins) Wagstaff have agreed to spearhead the planning of the 60th Reunion next summer.  I will not be involved in the planning, but will help with background tasks, communicating, etc., as well as trying to maintain the website along with Bill Cordray.  (Please check your information on the site and make sure it's up-to-date, especially email address.)  Hope everyone is well.  Look forward to seeing you.

(From Lynn)

Oly-Sky class of '63. . .Together we stand the test of time

So many changes since 2018 when last we met at the Cottonwood Club for our 55th Reunion

Another national election, a routine event - Pandemic, no way to prepare - SpaceX, a way to be amazed and sadly, fewer of us now to read these reminders

Would you like another opportunity to gather with your classmates and neighborhood friends?  If you would, let us know.  There is an enthusiastic crew ready to start making plans to get us together next summer to celebrate our 60th!!

Not fancy. . .only a single-evening event at a location accessible to all, a simple menu and modest price available to everyone.  Plenty of time to care and share. . .to chat, to laugh and to reminisce. . .we promise.

Hearing from you will make any event that much better!  Susan (Lambourne) Stevenson, our trusted scribe, has pledged to keep our class website updated with any and all developments, alerts and particularly your comments.

To get things started,

Please ring, ping or email.  We are easy!

Laura (Hawkins) Wagstaff

Lynn (Roth) Christensen

     801.819.2425 call or text

     801.261.8626 chat a bit or leave VM

* * * * * * * * * *



    On Jan. 20 I sent out an email to the class saying that this event was cancelled.  Apparently not everyone received the email, so I'm just clarifying that it has been cancelled.  It was cancelled due to several reasons, but as things are now, it wouldn't have happened due to the COVID virus.

    I hope no one has been a victim of this terrible virus and is doing well. 

    HAPPY 75th TO ALL!!


save the date!

August 8, 20/20

Seeing clearly at 75



More scenes/memories from our collective 70th Birthday Celebration in 2015 can be found here.  

For our collective 75th Birthday celebration (honoring all members of the class, not just those born in 1945) set for Saturday, August 8, 2020,  we’re keeping things uncomplicated. We will be gathering at the same location as we did for our 70th -- the gardens of the Marriott University Park Hotel. 

Count on plenty of fun, better food, the joy of connecting with many friends you likely haven’t seen for years,  probably some enthusiastic music and lots of nostalgia.

Here's the back story:

Friday. April 12th,  the Reunion Committee gathered for lunch at Delice Bakery and Cafe.  Forgive me, but I cannot pass up the rather obvious opportunity to rate the food “Deliceious.”

The fine food fueled a unanimous final decision to organize a collective 75th Birthday fete like we did for our collective 70th.  In fact, to keep things really simple, we agreed to return to the University Park Marriott’s patio garden and party tent, with quick access to air conditioning should that be necessary.

The space has been reserved. Here are a few details.

The date:  Saturday, August 8, 2020

Time: 6 p.m.-ish: (subject to adjustment)

Food: The Marriott has a new chef.  The Marriott crew is well aware that there have been a few complaints from us about the quality of food. They have promised to fix that this time around, and meet with our Foodies team beforehand to set an appropriate menu etc.

Other details will be posted here as they unfold.  For now, please save the date: August 8, 2020.  And, if you had concerns about food quality in the past, please join the team that will ensure improvements for our collective 75th.

So, make plans to join us August 8, 2020, in the gardens and party tent at Marriott University Park in Salt Lake City.

Incidentally, while we have not yet established the all-inclusive fee for the evening, we're determined to make affordable for all--in the $30 to $40 range.




The "Memory Wall" in the new Olympus High School includes a brick paying tribute to our class. The prose is a reduction of suggestions from several people in the class:   


A Titanic class

nearly a thousand

when we began here

The journey is yet

our inspiration and

our reward





We were the blasting caps of the Baby Boom, born as World War II ended in Europe and Japan. We came of age the year Martin Luther King proclaimed "I had a dream...," when President John Fitzgerald  Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, as the “conflict” in Vietnam edged into war, and when the rousing refrains of Peter, Paul and Mary gave way as the more free-wheeling lyrics of John, Paul, Ringo and George ushered in a raucous decade of “sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.”

In a kinder, gentler time the graduating classes of 1963 at Olympus and Skyline High Schools were united as Olympus sophomores in the largest entering high school class (more than 900 strong) ever assembled in Utah.  

We disassembled somewhat in the Fall of ‘62 when some 200 of us opted to establish new traditions as the members of the first graduating class of the newly-opened Skyline.

Now, we formally reunite every five years or so (as we did for our 50th Reunion in August of 2013) and as we did less formally for dinner on the first Saturday of August in 2014, 2015, 2016,  but the second Saturday this year for our 55th Reunion August 10-11, 2018 at the Cottonwood Club and other sites in metro Salt Lake City.  The registration form for the 55th Reunion here:   

 As you may know, many of us from Copenhagen, Denmark to Korea and in nearly every state in the U.S. have been talking together online or getting together in smaller groups for good food and conversation since 2002. This “will `likely go on until we die.” 
Another classmate put it this way::  “It’s like a time machine, with a ‘click’, you're able to go back decades, visit old acquaintances and establish new friendships with people you didn’t know at all, but now wish you had. There's a huge difference between then and now: now, we're more open, honest, caring, empathetic and sharing.”
This is the website everyone who was ever a part of the Class of 1963 at Olympus and Skyline High Schools ( Hundreds of photographs are here. You are encouraged to publish your own photos here on your own pages or in the "Galleries" section where you will find photos from all of the recent reunions as well as of our days together way back when. Before the old Olympus returned to the dust from whence it came, John Telford and Paul Bjorn photographed the old school (it looked pretty spiffy actually).  They too are posted to this site under "Galleries." 

Incidentally, if you see a camera icon next to a classmate’s name on the roster, it indicates he/she has posted photographs. Just click on the “name” and all the pictures that person posted will appear. 

The bottom line is this: if you haven’t visited the main Olympus and Skyline site and devoted at least 45 minutes to checking-out your friends and add your own personal reflections, you are missing out. Spend some time here.

If you know the email addresses of classmates who have not yet subscribed to the site, be sure to invite them using the invitation box in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.  Simply paste or type in our missing classmate's email address.  The system will take care of the rest. 



In 2003, 2008,  2013 and every year since many class members contributed far more than the required participation fees.  Thank you to them. Donations over and above standard reunion fees have been used to underwrite the general costs of the reunion and thereby ensuring that individual fees are affordable to all. 

This proud tradition is being sustained in the run-up to our 55th Reunion August 10-11, 2018 in Salt Lake City. The list of classmates who have contributed to the general reunion fund can be found here: Please donate whatever you can, whenever you can, to help keep our class events affordable to all.

Please make your check payable to the   Olympus Skyline Class of 1963  (memo: Donation Reunion Fund) and mail it to :


Olympus-Skyline Class of 63
P.O. Box  712013
Salt Lake City, Utah 84171 



Message from Linda McCafferty Dewyea:

Skyline Eagles!  Super reunion coming soon - May 17 and 18.  Walk the halls of Skyline one last time before the building is torn down to make way for the new.

May 17 Activities:

     Laser Tag   3-8 sign up with friends


     Movie Night   7-10

May 18 Activities:

     5K   7AM - sign up on website

     Teacher Brunch   10-12 - sign up on website

     Football   11-1

     Walk of Ages   10-6   (I could still use some memorabilia for the 1963 table.)

          Please text me at 801-637-8991  - Linda McCafferty Dewyea

     Under the Lights   7-9

For more details and sign-ups go to




If you’re someone who remembers the Stroll and how to do the Twist

But don’t recall where you put your glasses.

If you know you’re too old for ‘kick the can’ but still not ready to ‘kick the bucket’…

If you now send TTML to mean ‘Talk to me LOUDER’…

You are one of us and ready for our OLY-SKY Class of 63

60th Reunion


August 24, 2023


6388 South Redwood Road

Taylorsville, UT   84123

Indoor/Outdoor venue

Fully accessible to all

Light buffet served: $30.00 per person

Retro music and memories of our day

Reminisce with your forever-kind of friends or make new ones with who we are today!


RSVP Courtesy

801.261.8626 VM


                                                          Your Reunion Team

Registration information to follow.